APL Accountants
Veterinary and Dental Accountants, Veterinary and Dental Business Consultants, Benchmarks and Key Performance Indicators

Why do we do what we do?
At APL Accountants, we are passionate about veterinary and dental businesses, benchmarks and key performance indicators which is why we are your ideal professional business consultant. We have worked as clinicians, owned our own veterinary practices and realise the unique challenges faced by medical professions. Therefore we are not an accountant that is simply interested in your tax compliance. WE WANT TO SEE YOUR BUSINESS DO BETTER! As a result if your only interest is tax compliance, we are not the firm for you.
However if your interest is in getting the best team to help you run your business more efficiently and profitably then you have come to the right place.
We want to be involved in your business processes and analyse your key performance indicators. Once we have established your KPIs then we can benchmark them. This allows us to show you where to focus. Our focus is to help you establish clinical protocols so that we can ethically help your business do better. At the same time you will service your clients and patients better. We actually love doing this. So if you’ve been looking for a business consultant not just an accountant this is the place for you. At APL Accountants we love working with you on your business performance.

How do we do it
Our unique point of difference to any other accounting firm is that we really understand your business, right down to the diagnostic, clinical and surgical work. We only work with veterinary and dental businesses, we do not take on other clients. We visit and analyse veterinary and dental practices every single day. As a result we KNOW what makes a practice profitable and what does not.
We can assess your performance and the performance of your team with clarity and accuracy. There is no guessing where you could improve, we analyse and know where you can improve. In a larger team we can analyse each individual professional so you know which areas they need training in. We have helped other businesses just like you improve so we can definitely help you.
Essentially we are your market researchers. We look at business processes in practices, analyse practice financials on a daily basis and attend veterinary and dental CPD meetings on a regular basis. This has allowed us to gather invaluable intellectual property from many sources – intellectual property that we share with YOU.
Having helped many other clients, we know what works and doesn’t work. We know what is hard to do and what is easier to do so we know where you should focus first.

What do we do?
We are primarily veterinary surgeons. This is what we did before we became accountants. We have worked for well over a decade successfully improving profitability of veterinary businesses and then chose to use these skills to improve the profitability of dental businesses too. This leaves you to do what you love – running your business in an ethical manner and servicing your clients and patients to the best of your ability. The best part of it is that by concentrating on best practice and client service, your business becomes more profitable. It’s a win-win situation.
Working with us you will find yourself in a situation where:
  •  you are on top of your finances on a monthly basis,
  •  you have someone to turn to if you need some business or clinical advice,
  •  you will have regular meetings and strategic planning,
  •  you will be in control of your cash flows,
  • you will be dealing with your staffing and staff training more efficiently and getting team members to ‘buy in’ to your vision,
  • your tax affairs will be in order
and so much more.
We don’t just tell you what areas you can work on to improve profitability, but we also quantify how much you should aim to improve. We then have educational materials that help you formulate the strategies you need to make it happen.

Benchmarking and Key Performance Indicators
We have one of the most comprehensive and accurate business key performance indicators and benchmarking processes in Australia. And better yet, we can supply you with your business key performance indicators and benchmarks on a WEEKLY basis using our specialised software, Profitdiagnostix. This software automatically connects to your practice management system and bookkeeping software. We can then make meaningful reports for you with this information. Visit www.profitdiagnostix.com for more information.
This means that you are not wasting time trying to find data in your bookkeeping and practice management software. We automatically send you meaningful reports about your business performance. A specialised business consultant will set your key strategies in your software. This means that you are only getting the most important figures. You don’t get overloaded with too much information, you just receive relevant information.

Sometimes it’s important that your thoughts extend beyond your business and your own needs.

There are a lot of people and animals in the world that are not quite as fortunate as us and the pets we own, so why not make a difference and look at the bigger picture. We have created a no-profit initiative where ANY veterinary or dental professional anywhere in the world can join a ‘giving’ community which they can integrate into their business. You don’t have to be an APL Accountants client, you don’t have to pay us for any services – all you need is a desire to do something special and be a B1G1 member.
APL Accountants proudly supports B1G1 (www.b1g1.com) with their wonderful and impactful giving culture and we invite ALL the wonderful people working in the veterinary industry who are already members of B1G1 to join our Hive on the B1G1 platform.
If you are not already a B1G1 member go here if to join B1G1 AND become a member of the hive:
If you are already a B1G1 member then just contact us and we will add you to the hive (no charge).
It won’t cost you anything if you are already a B1G1 member, but by simply adding yourself to this small B1G1 community you will get all the wonderful things B1G1 has to offer PLUS:
The ability to connect to other veterinarians and dentists doing the same thing all over the world
Ideas on how to connect to your customers and team by creating a giving culture in your business
Make a difference, become a B1G1 member and join us in our community : https://b1g1.com/connect/APLACCTS (if you are not a B1G1 member) or just contact us if you are already a B1G1 member or just want to know more.

Meet our instructors

Paolo Lencioni

APL Accountants co-founder and webinar presenter
Ok, so every pack needs at least one energetic boisterous dog, and in the APL pack the token Boxer would be Paolo.
What’s the point in doing all this great work if nobody knows about it? Paolo performs some of the accounting work and runs our workshops and courses where he can yap all day long on the subject of improving business performance.
Paolo has worked as a veterinary surgeon prior to working in public accounting. His real world business experience ranges from owning a veterinary practice, working as an accounting software consultant, working in the veterinary pharmaceutical industry and project managing web based application development. He has attained a Masters in Professional Accounting through the University of Southern Queensland. He has also completed a City and Guilds in C programming and has experience in various IT roles. He is an associate member of the Institute of Public Accountants, a founding member of the APL Accountants pack, and is one of the directors of Valuvet. He is one of Australia’s most experienced valuers of service based businesses and holds a certificate in business valuations from the ACCA.

Anne Lencioni

APL Accountants co-founder and webinar presenter
Anne is the multi tasker in the office, a high energy working Collie – the type you see chasing sheep around a field. She does this all day and makes sure that the rest of us are doing the right work and running in the right direction instead of off a cliff. Anne has worked in many diverse environments, proving that she can herd and bring order to almost anything.
Anne has worked as a veterinary surgeon and subsequently completed two business degrees (a Masters in Business Administration and a Masters in Professional Accounting) while still owning her own veterinary clinic.
She has completed her CPA examinations and is an associate member of the Institute of Public Accountants. She is one of Australia’s most experienced valuers of service based businesses and holds a certificate in business valuations from the ACCA.
Her experience in real world businesses, ranging from the veterinary profession, sales and marketing for pharmaceutical companies and public accountancy practice, is extremely diverse. She is a founding member of the APL accountants pack, and is one of the directors of Valuvet.

Kezah Alincastre

Partner at James Noble Accountants/My Tax Vet and webinar presenter
Kezah is a qualified Chartered Accountant with a Bachelor of Commerce degree in Accounting and Finance and more than 10 years industry experience. She is our Bernese Mountain Dog, patient and calculating, she is ready to rescue you from that mountain of tax. For many years she has worked very closely with professional services businesses providing industry specific financial and taxation advice including tax planning. Prior to this she worked on a broad portfolio of clients giving her exposure to many business types and different challenges faced by various industries.
Kezah is also heavily involved in the preparation of financial statements, budgets and forecasts, and specialises in identifying opportunities and issues for clients as they arise and taking steps to resolve them. She is a partner at James Noble Accountants.

Joanna Oakey

Managing Partner at Aspect Legal and webinar presenter
Joanna is Aspect Legal’s ‘fearless leader’ with close to 2 decades of experience behind her. She has wide experience working with a large and diverse portfolio of organisations in the areas of mergers and acquisitions, contract law, procurement, commercial law, and branding. She is the proud host of two of the top business law podcasts in Australia: Talking Law (providing smart legal tips for business), and The Deal Room (Australia’s first mergers and acquisitions podcast).
Joanna spends her spare time dreaming about ways to create the perfect business, one that breaks the traditional lawyer mould, delivers deep value to its clients, and has a positive impact on the community and the world. When she isn’t protecting her clients from the unexpected storms of business, Joanna enjoys quality time with her 2 beautiful children and husband.

Alison Lambert

Founder of Onswitch and webinar presenter
A Yorkshire farmer’s daughter, Alison qualified from Liverpool University in 1989. She worked in practice for several years before pursuing a career with Hills Pet Nutrition and MARS, discovering the customer experience passion that her award-winning company, Onswitch, is renowned for today. Established in 2001, Onswitch promotes customer-centred practice so pets, horses and livestock receive better care; providing research, marketing, CPD and business consultancy with an effective, innovative, straight-talking and client-led approach.
Alison is Honorary Associate Professor at Nottingham University’s School of Veterinary Medicine and Science. She is published widely, regularly speaks at key international veterinary congresses and events, and was given the AVA’s Veterinary Business Thought Leader award in 2019.

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